SIMAVI has developed SVAP2025 for the digitalization of public administration.


SIMAVI has developed SVAP2025 for the digitalization of public administration

Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI), the largest software product integrator in Romania, has developed SVAP2025, an ERP-type product dedicated to the digitalization of public administration.

Successfully implemented at the Prahova County Council, SVAP2025 ensures significant time savings through the automated processing of documents, including financial reports, and enables public administration personnel to focus on much more complex tasks.

Among the benefits provided by the SVAP2025 system are:

  • Fast and secure access to data.
  • Integrated control of activities and workflows.
  • Increased efficiency of public servants’ work.
  • Accuracy of results.
  • Elimination of human error.
  • Effective transition to the goal of a “Paperless” administration.

SVAP2025 is a comprehensive solution for managing any institution, ensuring the management of all resources and the automation of data flows. It also provides data consistency and coherence, along with the ability to quickly retrieve and report the necessary information.

SVAP2025 addresses the challenges of public administration and can be replicated in any public institution in Romania, having already been implemented in several city halls and county councils across the country, either fully or as integrated components with existing solutions.

The solution implemented at Prahova County Council includes both an economic component and a human resources component. It is a back-office solution designed for the efficient management of activities.

The solution is cloud-based, which is a major requirement in the public administration strategy for 2023.

More details about the functionalities of SVAP2025 are presented by the specialists at Software Imagination & Vision (SIMAVI) [here].


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