BREAKING Sorin Mîndruțescu, the former head of Oracle Romania, has reached an agreement with DNA to plead guilty. He admitted taking bribes totaling €569,000 and prosecutors are asking for two-and-a-half years in prison with probation


Sorin Mîndruțescu, the former director of Oracle Romania, has reached an agreement with DNA to plead guilty to the corruption case opened in 2019, according to a statement from the institution. Mîndruțescu admitted to having accepted bribes of 569,000 euros from various business partners in order to sell them products cheaper. Prosecutors are demanding a two-and-a-half-year suspended prison sentence for the businessman. The plea agreement was sent to the Bucharest tribunal, which will make the final decision.

According to DNA, Mîndruțescu admitted that he accepted bribes from the representatives of some interested companies in order to register for auctions organized by various state institutions. In exchange for the money, he undertook to make competitive bids on Oracle products to allow those companies to register and participate in the public tenders in which they were interested.

These tenders were aimed at awarding public contracts to institutions such as the National Trade Register Office (ONRC), the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA), the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF), the National Electricity Transmission Company “TRANSELECTRICA” to forgive. SA, the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) and the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA).

Full DNA release:

In which by the Communiqué No. 660 / VIII / 3 of August 8, 2019, based on the provisions of art. 483 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, on the day of the crime, the prosecutors of the National Anti-Corruption Directorate – Anti-Corruption Department concluded a plea agreement with an accused, the general director of the Romanian branch of a multinational IT company, regarding the commission of the crime of continuous bribery (seven essential documents).
In the plea agreement, prosecutors found the following facts:
In this capacity, the defendant is said to have demanded and subsequently received a total of EUR 569,413 as bribes from representatives of companies in the industry who were interested in registering for auctions by various state institutions or with state capital. In return for the money, the defendant undertook, in the performance of its duty, to make advantageous price offers for the products sold by the Romanian subsidiary of the multinational (in particular IT licenses) in order for these companies to bid for the public tenders with these products that you are interested in registering and participating in. These tenders were aimed at awarding public contracts to institutions such as the National Trade Register Office (ONRC), the Agency for Payments and Intervention for Agriculture (APIA), the National Agency for Fiscal Administration (ANAF), the National Electricity Transmission Company “TRANSELECTRICA” to forgive. SA, the National Health Insurance House (CNAS) and the Romanian Air Traffic Services Administration (ROMATSA).
The tenders organized by the state-owned enterprises were for the purchase of computer equipment, components, accessories, software products and applications, and related services necessary for the implementation of online service projects or projects for the development, expansion and customization of computer systems. ; in addition, the auctions were aimed at adding or renewing software products or technical support and maintenance services.
The total amount of 569,413 euros is said to have been received and received as a bribe between September 2009 and November 2013 in seven cases in seven cases by the defendant.
The money went either to the private accounts of the defendant or to the accounts of the companies controlled by the defendant.
The accused has expressly stated in the presence of the lawyer that he acknowledges the commission of the crime with which he is charged, accepts the legal framework for which the criminal prosecution was initiated and agrees to the type and amount of the sentence imposed and the form of execution . :
– a prison sentence of 2 years and 6 months imprisonment with suspension of the execution of the sentence for a period of 4 years and a prohibition, for a period of 4 years from the legal force of the penal order ordering the suspension of the execution of the sentence under supervision, the right to in to be elected to public office or to any other public office and to hold any office connected with the exercise of governmental authority.
During the period of supervision, the defendant carries out unpaid work for a period of 120 working days for the public good at the town hall or at the General Directorate for Social Welfare and Child Protection of the constituency in which he resides.
Considering the special confiscation in RON equivalent of the amount that was the subject of the bribery crime, or the total amount of 569,413 euros, during the criminal investigation, the total amount of 2,812,892 lei (2,613,000 lei from the accused and 199,892 lei as a result of seizures).

The criminal investigation file on the accused was submitted to the Bucharest Tribunal together with the defense agreement, with the request for special confiscation of the total amount of 569,413 euros.
We remind you that according to the Code of Criminal Procedure, this phase of the criminal proceedings constitutes the completion of the criminal investigation and the sending of the plea agreement for trial, a situation that cannot override the principle of the presumption of innocence.
We point out that this communiqué according to Art. 28 para. 4 of the Guide to Good Practices Regarding the Relation of the Judicial System to the Media, approved by Resolution of the Plenary of the Superior Council of Magistracy No. 197/2019.

Photo above: I say photos/ Author: Octav Ganea


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