‘Record’ fentanyl drug bust made at US-Mexico border

    Record or not – this is another case of no-wall-needed!
    What’s indeed needed at the southern US border with Mexico is more agents better and better technology and use of such technology – and not least, better intel coming out of Mexico – the wall will do and can do nothing – nothing for the US security interests!!
    Now, we know that Trump is a true believer in Bibi’s intelligence  assessment of (sic, our) national security interests – including the utmost need of a gigantic Wall barrier on our southern border – by the way, in a recent tweet, Trump simply just sent “back to school” his own intelligence Chiefs as being wrong!  Quite normal for him, it was a report which totally and defiantly disagreed with his own opinions – and of course, who doesn’t agree with me is actually wrong – we know that and no further comparison is needed here…
    What this administration appears to miss by a mile – is that the US is not Israel by any comparison and security needs.  Nothing fits!  What indeed worked for Israel it simply doesn’t work for US – and that includes this Wall – which comes along with the greater isolationist policies.
    Otherwise America risks to be no more America and the Americans risks to lose their traditional world veneration.  Plus, as I’ve said here quite a few times before, Israel’s peace will come only with a peace agreement with the Arabs surrounding them.  Anything else, like their wall, as good as it is, it is only a temporary solution to the problem, but not a fix.  Same is good for their recent embrace of the Saudis – also a temporary solution but not a fix.  The Arabs – as I believe, are only using it to straighten their position in a future conflict – there’s no love, nor compassion for Israel in those “understandings” – the one growing taller is not Israel here – but that’s a different discussion.  Israel needs eternal peace not eternal conflict – of course, same is true for the Palestinians, as it takes two for tango…
    These said, of course the Americans are a bit tired of having – ever since the end of the World War Two – to foot the bill on all the world conflicts as The-cop on the block, but America First – where my vote was going, was not suppose to be isolationism and, for the lack of other words, the dereliction of duty for the US as the world leading democracy and human-rights advocate – at least not in my mind and – as we can start seeing these days – faint but repeated signals coming from Congress, perhaps from most Americans.
    This year and next – will show where this world would go, what kind of life is in the store for our children and grandchildren – would be a world with walls in disarray and isolationism – or would be a world of flourishing democracies with lesser conflicts?!  Because these are the only two alternatives the Americans have to chose from.
    The Wall or No Wall state of mind!
    Enjoy :))
    I saw this on the BBC News App and thought you should see it:

    ‘Record’ fentanyl drug bust made at US-Mexico border


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